Introducing the Madonna Cloak Project
Over the past year or so I have become increasingly aware of the need that many Stay At Home Mothers (SAHMs) have for support and encouragement. Women on my discussion forum, women who consult with me,...
View ArticleEncouraging Inner Listening
A few weeks ago my 15 year old son, my husband and I watched an Alfred Hitchcock film together ( Shadow of a Doubt) Not a great film but something really made me sit up and take notice. There was a...
View ArticleBoy Scout Commandos
So, think the Boy Scouts are a nice wholesome organization dedicated to providing children with outdoor skills and fun around the campfire, toasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya? Think again. How...
View ArticleIs Childcare as Good as Mama-care?
Every once in a while I have one of those “Emperor’s New Clothes” moments – you know what I mean. In this story, the emperor is gullible and gets taken in by two con-men who claim to make him the most...
View ArticleAgainst Militarism but Supporting Military Families
This is a difficult and complex topic that I have been thinking deeply about for years….and am far from resolving within my conscience and heart. But I wanted to share a few thoughts because of the...
View ArticleThe Darkness of The Dark Knight
Last night I watched The Dark Knight with my 16 year old son. He had seen it in the movies a year ago and raved about it ever since and wanted to watch it with me. So we did. So this is a film that has...
View ArticleThe Wonder of the County Fair
This weekend is the Vernon County fair, held at the old fair grounds on what was obviously, once upon a time, the edge of town but has now been swallowed up by our little strip mall (and admittedly...
View ArticleGovernment Gone Mad
I just had to reprint this article from the Guardian UK’s online Comments section. It was written by a woman named Jackie Kemp on September 28 2009. Forgive me Jackie, for stealing your article, but...
View ArticleWhat is the Fate of the Next Generation?
Here's a sobering article from the New York Times about our new generation of tech and media junkies. Why is this so surprising to so many people? I suppose the faint silver glimmer in this very dark...
View ArticleThe Newtown Tragedy : A Simple and Ongoing Response for our Children
We are so very grateful to Kim John Payne for sharing this article about parenting, teaching and caregiving in these challenging times. Click here for a printable copy to share with friends. By Kim...
View ArticleCelebrating Third Grade and Native American Culture
by Amy McGehee-Lee This is our family’s second time through third grade, and I can honestly say it just gets better every time. We are, of course, using the Christopherus curriculum. It is such a...
View ArticleWhen Violence Touches Children
Dear friends, I am reprinting part of an article from the wonderful Waldorf Today newsletter about the death of a Waldorf teacher recently in a drive-by shooting in Chicago. Following this I have...
View ArticleA Few Tips for Staying Sane During Breaks from Homeschool
Following on from my exuberant plea to let children be children I do of course realize that many parents find the near-chaos (and sometimes, downright chaos) of the summer months to be, well,...
View ArticleEncouraging Inner Listening
A few weeks ago my 15 year old son, my husband and I watched an Alfred Hitchcock film together ( Shadow of a Doubt) Not a great film but something really made me sit up and take notice. There was a...
View ArticleBoy Scout Commandos
So, think the Boy Scouts are a nice wholesome organization dedicated to providing children with outdoor skills and fun around the campfire, toasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya? Think again. How...
View ArticleFeedback Regarding Computer Use in Waldorf Schools
Last month I wrote an impassioned plea to Waldorf teachers to please stop and consider other ways to work with their classes during this time of shut-down and distancing regulations. I got quite a lot...
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